Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday and Youth Sunday in
The Church will have the second youth day next year trying to put some life into the youth movement in
A recent editorial on this problem wondered whether our programs have a lot more to do with dealing with the stress of our children than with educating them. We have to put feeling into what we teach. In our diocese we had a very strong YCS movement going for many years. The Young Catholic Student movement had the principle of See, Judge and Act and was an attempt to get the Children involved not only with the head but with the heart and body. It discussed problems within society and putting Christian principles to work in trying to solve the problems. It was to develop leaders and to help change society. It was a strong program but the parents did not like to see the time taken away from the student’s studies and the program eventually died.
The editorial ended with a rather gloomy forecast : “If the family or school is not able to educate than the Church should do it.” It is a gigantic job and if the individuals involved are not equipped to benefit by the education it will be an attempt ending in frustration.