Blessing of the Rainbow has sold close to a million copies. It is a book on self-improvement by Cha Dong-yeop, head of the Future Pastoral Institute in Incheon. The book has been translated into four languages, and this year into Spanish. In Korea, we have a plethora of books on self-improvement from the West; to have one written in the Korean style is good news.
Jesus and Confucius, by Choe Ki-seop, rector of the Catholic Theology University, and Professor Kim Hyeong-ki, compares the words of Jesus with those of the Analects of Confucius. The book has been translated into French and German.
The Lord Calls My Name, by Seong Pong-mo, a Jesuit priest, is the 12th book of a series on Scripture and Humanity. It was written for those who are troubled with depression and thoughts of suicide. Among those who will find it helpful are English-speaking immigrants to Korea, those who are living in Korea as workers, and Koreans living overseas. It discusses the grace of a layperson's vocation and others that want guidance on how best to serve in becoming true disciples of Jesus.
Inside the Catholic Church of Korea, by Kim Seong-tyae, head of the Korean Church History Institute, is a brief history of the Catholic Church in Korea, from its start over 220 years ago--the persecution, the opening to the West, the liberation, the Korean War, and the canonization of 103 saints.
Prayer From the Heart, by Jesuit Priest Jong Kyu-han, who gives retreats in the Spiritual Exercises, teaches us to pray not with the head but with the heart. The book leads us to a deeper appreciation of prayer, and a correct understanding of prayer and its practice.
Jesu-maum Prayer, (Prayer of Jesus' heart) by Sister Kwon Min-ja, discusses the prayer process, the importance of prayer and how to pray in our daily lives. It teaches us the way to talk to Jesus like a little child. Sister has traveled widely to give her retreats and now the book has been translated into Thai, Chinese and English, and will soon be translated into German.