This was the way the article in The Peace Weekly recounted what happened in the 9th Small Group Apostolate meeting, sponsored by the Bishops' Committee, that met for three days during the last days of May. A total of 276 attended from 14 Dioceses. The theme was taken from John's Gospel 15:15, "I will call you friends."
A layperson, in his address to the assembly, stressed the importance of having a horizontal understanding of authority, getting rid of rank and seeing all as brothers and sisters. Laypersons should not be waiting to take orders passively from the priest, but using their own initiative to set into motion imagination and creativity in the service of evangelization; the apostolate of the layperson has to be acknowledged.
Religious should always be concerned with their life of faith, not as authority figures but as servants in the manner of our Lord: always open, discerning properly and clearly, and able to express this in their life. Seeing one's own faults, willing to forgive, and having a big heart allowing one to give up their position for the unity of the group.
A priest, in his presentation, compared the relationship of the layperson, religious, and the priest to a three-legged stool. When one of the legs is shorter or longer than the others, a problem develops. When they are all even and equal, there is equilibrium. Similarly, when the relationships are right, there will be collaboration in the apostolate and a solid foundation for future development.