Thursday, October 6, 2022

Living A Proper Asian Life Style

love joy and peace text

Many of our problems come from failure to live a proper life style.

One often runs across the Ku Seun-ja prescription for a healthy life on the internet. However, its reliability as historically accurate in understanding of Asian ethical thinking is open to doubt. The story does show that in  certain segments  of Korean life it did ring true  and traditional  Asian and the Christian West  did see the ethical life in similar ways. For those who read Korean—

The famous doctor was once approached by a man in his 40s with all kinds of complaints. The doctor listened  and said with the medicines we have it will be difficult to cure but if you follow this  prescription you will be on a way to a cure.

The doctor's prescription had 30 items.              

1) No bad thoughts                                                               16) Know how to be fulfilled    

2) Do good things                                                                  17) Diligence and integrity

3)  No Deceit                                                                        18) Always Kind

4) Lead others rightly                                                             19) Save in every way you can

5) Live within your means                                                        20) Moderation

6) No jealously or envy                                                            21) Don't kill any life

7)  No trickery                                                                       22)  No anger

8)  Sincerity in all things                                                          23) No violence

9)  Always do the right thing                                                    24)  No Avarice

10)  Know that life is short                                                       25) Act prudently

11) Live with a clean heart                                                       26) Submit to reason

12)  Beware of selfishness                                                        27) Help the weak lovingly

13) Patience                                                                          28) Know when to withdraw

14) Gentleness                                                                       29)  Maintain tranquility

15) Humility                                                                           30) Keep secrets

Looking at the 30 items there is little that the Christian would have difficulty with except for 'not killing any life'. The virtuous life would be  seen  as similar. The above items  would be the Asian idea of the person living according to reason.

The article concludes with the writer mentioning the passage in the Christian Bible in which St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians mentions the 9 fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Trustfulness, Gentleness and Self-control. However his summary of the situation in the world, he wonders if you would  find any Christian, Catholic or Protestant, in their words or actions who would be bearing  these fruits of the Spirit.