Friday, May 13, 2022

What Makes a House a Home?


What makes a house a home? Different are the ways we choose to express ourselves but certainly, it is not the external, physical aspects of the house in which we live. Is it not more a feeling, the quality of life one experiences?

In a diocesan parish bulletin, a university professor gives us some thoughts on the subject and the reasons for family members to present a verification certificate of their place in the family.

May is the month of the family. He recommends that parents and children, husband and wife, and other members all list their place and role in the family.  Looking at the list they will have a new understanding and feeling down deep in their hearts towards the family.

When you see the content of the relationship we are so familiar with, one can't help thinking about the preciousness of each and every member of the family. However, there is one more document needed: a verification that God requires of us.

A family relationship certificate is just that. How is the 'home' different from family? The family [가족] represents blood kinship, while the 'home' [가정] represents the space in which the relationship is lived, the family community.

A family relationship certificate is sufficient to prove who the family members are, but the family relationship certificate will not show how well the family members communicate and relate with each other.
Not everybody who lives in a family lives in a home. Even if they are together, together as islands, the family relationship exists but not family life.

Living apart from the family does not make family life impossible. If hearts are connected in love, the community of joy with the family exists for they are connected with family with calls, mail, and with love. On the other hand, if one remains in the house but closes the door of one's room and lives without conversation one is living alone with the family.

Have a happy month of May, completing a family relationship certificate that is not ashamed before God and more meticulously prepared than our tax documents.