How do we bring different segments in society
together? In the Kyeongyang magazine a priest writes about the desire
for unity within the country. With the new government in place this
desire grows and is fostered with the easy going style and concern for
the common person shown by the present government.
is necessary for this uniting of the citizens? All the previous
governments desired and worked for this unity among the citizens.
Progressives, conservatives, and regionalism would not allow the change
to take place. At times the government even helped to ferment the
"The Church values the democratic system
inasmuch as it ensures the participation of citizens in making political
choices, guarantees to the governed the possibility both of electing
and holding accountable those who govern them, and of replacing them
through peaceful means when appropriate. Thus she cannot encourage the
formation of narrow ruling groups which usurp the power of the State for
individual interests or for ideological ends. Authentic democracy is
possible only in a State ruled by law, and on the basis of a correct
conception of the human person. It requires that the necessary
conditions be present for the advancement both of the individual through
education and formation in true ideals, and of the "subjectivity' of
society through the creation of structures of participation and shared
responsibility” (Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching # 406).
of the natural tasks of religion is to work for the
unity of society. Every society has a mix of unity and conflict.
Without the removal of force, control, discrimination and the like from
society we will not rid ourselves of conflict but the need continues. We work towards the goal of unity within a conflicted society.
should be the first thing to do? The need to understand the reason for
the conflict and upheaval. It may be economics, poverty, the
inequality in society. These are all good examples. One daily
newspaper in a recent survey of a thousand men and women 35.9 percent
thought it was the rich, poor divide.
Secondly the
political forces can be a probable cause for unrest. When the government
subjugates by force a large segment of society you will get resistance
which was what we saw in Korea recently with the candle light revolt of
many of the citizens.
Thirdly we have the cultural and
ideologically resistance. The young people revolting against the
conservative authority of the older generation. They are in search of
freedom, and look upon the stress from
the consumer society negatively.
The president quickly
after inauguration made clear he wanted a just nation, a united
country, regulations and common sense that is understood by all the
people... a president of all the people even those who did not vote for
There is a need to rid the country of all corrupt
practices and work for a fair distribution of the material goods. A need
to work for open communication, dialogue and negotiation. The problem
of slow development, income and polarization within society, the lack of unemployment of the young are all government concerns. A desire for fair competition, guarantees for opportunities and the improvement of the living
conditions of the citizens are all dreams of a more united society.