involvement of the Catholic Church in politics has received strong
censure recently by the government and certain segments of the mass
media. A member of the Catholic Priests Association of the diocese of
Jeonju, who called on the president to resign because of the
intervention of state agencies in the presidential elections, was the
occasion for this latest conflict. The priest expressed his opinion that
the government is making North Korea an enemy and gave examples which, according to the National-Security Law of the country, would be
seen as illegal. This is the back-story for the editorial comments in
the Catholic Times.
editorial speaks about the different political views held by members
within the Church being no different than similar views held by members
of the same society and how the mass media distorts the situation to
serve their own purposes. Expressing its dissatisfaction with how the
government and the media are pursuing this issue, the editorial was
headlined: "Don't Use the Church."
Outside of its authoritative teaching on faith and morals, the Church, having no desire to support or criticize any particular political policy, does
not demand conformity of thinking or foster a similar worldview, both
neither possible nor desirable, says the editorial. And when the mass
media makes it seem that differences of opinion on political issues
indicate conflict and division within the Church, the editorial points
out that this is not only inaccurate but deceptive. It
does concede that when a priest, a pastoral minister, speaks out on a
controversial political position more discussion is necessary.
What should be the extent and limits of political involvement of the
Church, when questions of unfair elections, societal injustices, media
deception, and other grave societal problems arise? In a democracy, the
editorial says that such subjects should be openly debated, not only
outside the Church but within the Church as well.
However, when the government and the mass media speak out against a member of the Church and uses his personal viewsto
condemn the whole Church and to foster division and enmity within the
Church community, this activity needs to be addressed and denounced.
They should also refrain, the editorial continues, from using the words
of the pope and the bishops of Korea, their documents and the
Scriptures, whenever they wish to bolster their position and to serve
their policies.
spokesman for the archbishop of Seoul was quoted: "There
is no one Catholic position on this issue....There are many different
opinions...the government authorities, to serve their own purposes, are
using this issue as a tool for their political aims, which is wrong. " The
editorial concludes that Catholics themselves, who have been called to
follow in the footsteps of our Lord in justice and love, should not fail
to be prudent and humble in the firestorm of these contentious