The movie "Schindler's List" (1993) is the story of a Nazi businessman, far from exemplary, a member of the Nazi party, but rescued 1100 Jews from the Holocaust. He hired Jewish prisoners from the concentration camps as employees of his military plant. Though he had to give his whole fortune to accomplish this he became a lifesaver for many. A professor of spirituality in a Catholic University writes on the subject for the Catholic Times.
A survivor who did not go to the gas chambers because of Schindler, made a ring from the gold of one of his teeth inscribed with a phrase from the Talmud: "Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world" and gave it to Schindler in gratitude. But Schindler said he didn't deserve the ring. He laments that he spent so much money on pleasure and was not able to save more people. If he had sold his car he would have saved ten more. The gold in his Nazi badge would have saved two more he said with tears in his eyes.
Schindler believed that it was greater happiness to save a person's life than to keep his property. Human behavior is determined by what we believe brings happiness. And we invest everything for that belief. Schindler believed saving lives would make him happier.
Jesus said giving, brings greater happiness than receiving (Acts 20:35). So when you believe in Jesus, you will "act in love" (Gal 5,6). However, do I think I am becoming a fool in this world because of love? These are the trials of faith. They come when we think other things make us happier than the practice of love. Living in this world, our faith will always be in crisis.
It's happiness for the farmer to see seeds scattered in the fields germinate, develop stalks, and fruit. This joy keeps him going out to the field daily. Our faith is the same. The fruit of faith is seen at the end but the joy comes daily in seeing the growth.
The church says: Faith allows us to anticipate the joy and light of the beatific vision, the goal of our pilgrimage on earth. The evidence comes when we become a bit happier because of faith.
In order to live and grow in faith, and come to our end we must raise our faith in God's word and in the Lord. Faith needs to grow. When a seed falls onto a field, the field not only keeps the seed but helps it grow. Likewise, faith must grow.
The Church says, "Faith allows us to anticipate the joy and light of the beatific vision the goal of our pilgrimage on this earth. The evidence that faith grows can be found in my feelings that I am becoming happier because of faith. Schindler was able to devote all of his money because of the joy that came from saving one person from the gas chamber. Faith can grow with happiness as we grow closer to our goal.