Living without desires was a line in a poem by the Japanese poet
Sansei Yamao which a religious uses in the beginning of his article in
the Kyeongyang magazine to give the readers some idea of his thinking on
the subject. He liked what the poet was saying and found himself
praying: "If I die now it will be alright."
He makes
clear that it is not that he has arrived at this stage in the spiritual
life but he wants to examine his heart when he says these words to see
what his feelings are. It's a help in his prayer life. When there is a
agreement with what he says and what his heart feels that is a good
The article quotes Boethius (480-525 AD) The Consolation of Philosophy: "Nunc fluens facit tempus, nunc stans
facit aeternitatum." (The now that passes produces time, the now that
remains produces eternity.) In other words the duration proper to the
eternal Being must be conceived as everlasting while temporal being is
open to a succession of states distinct from one another. We are not
able to grasp the 'now' for it quickly becomes the past. Rarely, however,
we have moments that are filled with great joy that last, moments of
Most of us lose the present moment because we either live in the future or past. We can see our present as a stepping stone to the future
or what is worse to see us heading towards some future obstacle.
The possibility is also to live in the past because of unhealed scars, sins and the like, that
cast a shadow over our present now.
We need to be
present to the eternal now where we are in God's presence. The past nor the
future are what are important but the now and in the Scriptures we
are continually invited to the present. The miracle medicine is trust:
Matt. 6:25-34. Trust leads us to the ever present now. We are not given
a cross that is beyond our strength to carry. We follow Jesus in the present.
The only way we are to
view the problems, sins, and negativity of the past is with mercy, and
with its experience. St. Paul asked God to remove the 'thorn in his flesh'
2nd Cor. 12:1-10 but God did not, and he began to see it with different
eyes: "My grace is all you need,for my power is greatest when you are
The future is taken care of by trust, the
remorse of the past is taken care of by mercy, and both of these can be
assumed under gratitude. It is with this gratitude that we enter the
present moment and from which we have peace and joy. According to the
tradition of our elders in which they were right on: when one is
content all goes well. Rather than you give thanks because you are happy
you are thankful and consequently happy. Isn't this the way to have
nothing to wish for or to live without regrets?