One of the Catholic Retreat Centers has taken the Buddhist 10 Ox herding pictures, often seen in the Buddhist Temples in Korea and given them a Christian interpretation. The steps are used to deal with our personal Crosses ( sufferings we have to carry in life).
1. The Search
The first picture is the search for one's true nature which is signified by the ox. The person is searching for oneself that he does not know// In the Christian's life suffering comes suddenly into the person's life— One that needs to be accepted — one doesn't know what to do.
2. Seeing the Footprints
In the second picture, he sees the footprints of the ox and has an idea of what to do// The Christian realizes even though not what he wants he has no other choice but to carry the cross.
3. Seeing the Bull
The person sees the ox at a distance// In prayer the Christian begins to accept the meaning of the cross.
4. Catching the Bull
Binding the 3 poisons: greed, ignorance, and hate which requires self-mortification and austerity// Realizing the need to carry the cross but with anger.
5. Taming the Bull
Staying alert, and keeping all under control// He has fulfillment and joy but still resentment.
6. Riding the Bull home
The Bull and the self become one the struggle is over// The cross carries me freedom is achieved.
7. The Bull Transcended
The Bull is forgotten. One's inner nature and the person are one. Integration// Looking back, thru the cross another aspect of God's love is discovered.
8. Both the Bull and Self Transcended
Everything becomes clear, Empty but full// One knows that Christ is within. Gal. 2,19-20
9. Oneness with Nature
The fullness of life// Realization that we are living in God's kingdom.
10. Return to Society
Returns to ordinary life after one reaches fullness and is ready to help others// Goes in search of others who are suffering to give them strength.