Of the countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, (OECD), Korea has one of the highest rates for divorce. It has been reported that the divorces by agreement have declined, but those submitted to the court of law have increased.
One article mentions alienation in the marriage begins with criticism of the other, defending oneself, contempt for the other and finally the walls go up-- communication stops. The Church in Korea has made the break up of the family an important issue in their pastoral programs.
The Peace Weekly introduces us to the Retrouvaille movement, an attempt to save these unions from the complete breakdown. On average in Korea, according to the article, 342 couples divorce daily, and 49% have irreconcilable differences in personality. On the outside many seem to be without problems but are on the verge of divorce. This movement tries to return them to a normal married life. The two keywords for the movement are trust and forgiveness.
The weekend that starts the process is similar to the Marriage Encounter Movement which is for harmonious couples that want to deepen their relationship. The Retrouvaille Movement is for couples that are in crisis. To get a good idea of the movement which a Columban Missionary was instrumental in starting in Korea go to his article.
The weekend is time spend sharing their experience, and to encourage one another to seek change in their lives. After the initial program, there are others to help them to apply what they have learnt to the marriage. Here in Korea they have been able to save 40 marriages.
The program requires a great deal of those who conduct it, but it also is very satisfying to have done something that enabled the couples to stay together. Hopefully, it will spread throughout the country.
The program requires a great deal of those who conduct it, but it also is very satisfying to have done something that enabled the couples to stay together. Hopefully, it will spread throughout the country.