Fr. Yu, responsible for the proceedings, said the priests met together to communicate with each other on the future direction of the diocese. It was the beginning, he said, of an on-going exchange. More than showing an interest in solving specific problems, the primary intention, said Yu, was to meet and talk, expressing heart-felt opinions on the current problems facing the diocese, with the expectation that the diocese will in turn listen carefully to what had been discussed.
All deliberations were recorded, which will be handed on to those who will follow in years to come. Having the older retired priests meeting together, eating and praying together, with the newly ordained for two days has great meaning, he said. If anything could be said to have been missing during the meeting, it would have been not having sufficient time to discuss all the issues that came before the group. The suggestions that were raised, Fr. Yu feels, will be the chief concern of the diocese, and will guide its future direction.
The priests as a group pledged, first, that before fellowship with one another, they need to be close to our Lord; second, to respect and obey the bishop; third, to accept and respect the assistant as a brother and to help him carry out his responsibility when the need arises, and in turn the assistant priest needs to respect a pastor's suggestions that often are based on many years of experience as a pastor; fourth, to work for the growth of the body of Christ-- the community of the faithful--to recognize and encourage the initiative of the laity in the mission of the Church, with a special concern so none will feel alienated from the work of the Church; and fifth, to work to make this year of faith one with meaning for all.
The hope of many was that the example of the Seoul diocese will spread to the other dioceses throughout the country. Efforts will be made to improve the communication among the priests in the dioceses of the country. As the number of priests increases, the breakdown of communication is a strong possibility. Hopefully what the Seoul diocese accomplished in their 2-day meeting will be seen as a worthy and successful attempt to avoid the discord resulting from faulty communication, and will lead to improved understanding within the diocese.