With the evolving Web the Church needs to adapt to the
changes that continue to come. Popes have expressed the need for us to
get involved. An article in the Catholic Times introduces us to Web 2.0.
The Web 1.0 was mainly static but now we have interaction and
user-generated content.
With the Web 2.0 we have a new
way of involvement and a challenge to the Church--a dilemma. Catholicism is not managed according to democratic
principles, it has a fixed structure. When all can create information,
opinions and become owners of the new media, the one directional
information conveyed approach will be challenged.
in the 90s most of the parishes established their own parish web-sites;
today they have few visitors and many have been discontinued. New
technology needs to be accepted and used. In 2000 we began using the
so-called Web 2.0. Users can now create data, process, preserve and
publish. We have SNS and UCC (User Created Content) and Wikipedia,
Tweeter and Facebook and the like.
Korea is familiar
with Web 2.0. Our diocesan bulletins are no longer only giving
information but the form and ways of accessing the bulletins have
changed. QR code ( a code consisting of black and white squares that
can be read with your smart phone) can allow one to access the bulletin
easily. One can interact with the site and in certain bulletins we have
a code that allows those with impaired vision to access the spoken
word. Podcasts are available.
the tools and methods of communication change, it is well known that communication's
enviroment changes: politics, economics, culture and society change.
The way we live and think, religion too will be affected. Our
understanding and behavior, the pastoral enviroment in which we live,
our Christians and the environment in which we seek to evangelize, and
our attitudes change.
One of the priests of the
diocese in an essay he wrote for the Catholic Times in 2004, at the
beginning of the Web 2.0 era said: "The flood of information calls for a
different behavior on the part of Catholicism." We have a paradigm
shift : "Catholics have to begin to get into the pastoral work of the
Church. This change has to take place before they leave the Church."
In the future we will have Web 3.0 and 4.0. Web 2.0 is interactive, Web 3.0 will have communication, customized to the individual.
If the Church is not to lose its essential nature she will have to adapt and plan counter measures. If we see the technological advances
as only something that is adding to our comfort we miss what
is important.The article concludes reminding the readers that all those
using the internet are no longer one way users of technology.