Laws are extremely important in running a country or any organization. No matter how good the laws are there will always be members of society that do not have the money to receive help.
The parish team often is asked for help in cases that need a lawyer, and to have a place to send these parishioners is a blessing. Many are victimized or who have suffered an unjust financial loss and do not have the money to approach a lawyer.
In the Diocese of Inchon, there are a number of lawyers that offer their services free of charge. This service has been offered for almost 20 years. There are cases of family violence, a victim in a car accident who ends up being called the perpetrator and facing jail, a foreign worker who because of an industrial accident was fired without any remuneration; workers who have habitually not been given their rightful wages for work done. Given the protection of the law for those who are poor and weak makes the work of these lawyers rewarding. One of the lawyers said, "the more that a person is alienated and weak the more he needs the help of the law and specialists."
Korea did not always have the organization that it has now. There were cases that required you to be the social worker, the lawyer, the nurse, and teacher but that has all changed. With the prosperity of the country, the organization of the Church, and the help of zealous Christians, there are many avenues to find help for the poor and needy. A responsibility shared by many is very light.