Monday, March 7, 2011

Making Others Happy

On the opinion page of the Catholic Times, a columnist meditates on the meaning of Jesus Christ, and finds immense joy in what she finds. After many years studying scripture she has a new appreciation of what is contained in the name Jesus Christ. The word 'Christ' in Hebrew means the Messiah, liberator, savior; in Greek the anointed one. There is the person Jesus with the descriptive word Christ, a world of meaning giving us the reason for joy in life.

What does it mean to be baptized as a Christian? she asks. It is to accept Jesus as Lord and to enter a new life. She tells us without hesitation that the first outward expression of this faith life for her is a life lived with joy. All her sins have been forgiven; she has received entrance into the kingdom of God. She asks is there any news that gives more joy in life? I can call God, Abba, father. What greater patron or good fortune in life is there? When we search for justice we are freed from greed and enjoy freedom. It is for this reason that she daily gives thanks and tries to live with joy in her life.
The columnist tells us about a survey that was made of those who  have held up grocery stores in the US. They were asked when was it that they failed in their robbery attempt?  95 percent of them said when the owner greeted them with a welcoming smile. It then was impossible for them to point a gun at them. It reminded her of the Korean proverb: you can't spit at a smiling face.

She always tries to have a slight smile on her face when  greeting anybody. But has to be conscious of this when she visits the home of those who have lost a loved one to keep from doing what she does by habit in meeting people she knows.

In Korea, laughter and a happy heart are known to be the way to release endorphins into our bodies for better health. A happy disposition is the new health tonic. The columnist, when faced with  pain, remembers the words of Romans 8:28, where St. Paul says, "All things work together for the good." She knows when she comes out of the tunnel, there will be the light waiting for her. That is why even in the tunnel, she doesn't lose her ability to laugh.

The face is the mirror of our interior. We all have difficulties in life,  but we try to overcome this with a happy heart. We can be of service to others with money and our time, but also with joy on our face, with positive words of encouragement, and with blessings for others. To do this, we have to have  happiness in our own lives.  When I am happy, she says, I am able to make others happy.