Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Living the Gospel in Retirement

A priest recalls the days he was studying at a Buddhist graduate school, whose students were either Buddhist Monks or devout Buddhist laity. Hearing there was a Catholic priest studying at the university, the news spread quickly, he was approached by many of the students with questions. Most of them were interested in who was responsible for priests after retirement. He writes about this in the bulletin for priests.

How did you arrive at the treatment for priests in their declining years? There was a great deal of curiosity about the lives of the priests after retirement. The Church takes care of the needs of the  clerics and religious in their retirement years. Was the answer given by the priest. Consequently, the priest does not have to save or do anything that would be contrary to Church teachings to make money.

Often priests give money as sponsors for different movements, donate to welfare programs, and assist people in need with their money, and at times they have little for their upkeep. However, there is no need to worry for the Church will take care of their needs in old age.

If the priest doesn't indulge in buying a luxury car,  and expensive hobbies, he has enough money to help others. He was proud to express himself in the way  he did to the Buddhist students, and hopes what he said was true.

Many of the faithful do not understand the life of a priest but priests do.There are many priests who live simply and are helping others and they do it without pride and no desire to make it known.They consider it a way of living the spiritual life and they don't see it as pitiable. It is the reason they became priests in the first place.

Recently there are priests that are having difficulty in their retirement. It all depends  on the way one wants to live. If what is received is less than they would like, they should start living the Gospel life. No matter how difficult the financial circumstances there is no need for priests to put money in the bank.

In conclusion: if someone should ask him now, who is responsible for a priest's retirement years? His  answer: " I am responsible for my retirement years." Structural provisions are in place but we need the  determination to live the Gospel life.