The Catholic Times gives the readers a meditation on bridge building by a Brother of the Korean Taize Community.
We live in an era of numerous disconnections. Different interests and beliefs conflict, and generations, cultures, and identities divide people. The division and factions show no signs of abating. Politics and religion, which are supposed to fulfill the function and role of social integration, not only fail to do so but also increase division and conflict. Even within political parties gathered for the same purpose, people who speak differently cannot be tolerated. Churches and believers who preach love, discriminate, and promote hatred.
Many people say that they feel lonely when they are alone and that it is painful when they are together. Now, beyond the nuclear family, the terms ‘nuclear household’ and ‘nuclear individual’ have emerged. For them, community is a pie in the sky. His friend, who had moved to an apartment, took rice cakes to his next-door neighbor and heard: “Why are you giving them to me?” As housing patterns and lifestyles have changed, many people are learning how to cook and raise children through the Internet rather than from their parents or neighbors.
The young generation saw numerous social disasters and realized that the state could not protect them. They know that even family cannot provide a strong fence if parents do not have financial power. In this way, Korea became a society of people living their own lives. The total fertility rate of 0.7 was not created overnight.
Many young people say that religion gives little meaning to their lives. In addition to human isolation, living without a relationship with God or a transcendent being is another form of poverty.
The world of politics has little to say on how everyone can live together in peace or in what direction society should move. Mainstream religions also cannot easily break away from long-standing practices with systems, and languages that only they understand.
For people struggling to survive in their daily lives, politics is a power struggle, and even religion is seen as an interest group. Religion's message to society does not resonate with them and seems distant from their lives. When politics and religion are confined to their own strongholds and fail to provide vision and inspiration to the public, voices for the common good disappear. Consumption, advertising, entertainment, and dramas fill the void.
However, there are people around us who do not ignore the conflicts and wounds between individuals and society, but listen to the weak and stand by their side. People who do not see differences as mistakes or obstacles are ready for friendships that transcend boundaries and barriers. They see and celebrate diversity as natural and beautiful. He wants to share that story.
The world does not change through criticism and condemnation alone. Everyone of goodwill must join together to find a new path with a new vision. In this era where cynicism and frustration are rampant, the person who creates hope is the person who builds bridges where they find ruptures.