Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Public And Media Relationship


A professor in political journalism brings to the attention of the readers of the Catholic Peace Weekly some interesting thoughts in the column Diagnosis of Current Events.

In general, people considered extroverts are active and confident, while introverts usually are assessed as being quiet and shy. However, each of our dispositions is achieved through a combination of different personality and temperament traits. A quiet person may be active, and a shy person, confident.
As a simple example, consider the Myers-Briggs widely known personality type test. The criteria for judging the personality are largely composed of four categories, but there are 16 personality types, which results from the interaction among the 4 preferences.
Susan Kane's book "Quiet", she read a few years ago, made a lot of sense to the writer. This book sheds light on the value of introverts in a time when extroverts are recognized today. "The highlight of the book I think is that it provided an opportunity to understand and empathize with the dispositions, personalities, and attitudes of others and myself." Acknowledging the difference of the other person, from which communication with others can begin.
Understanding others is never easy. It is even more difficult to go beyond understanding to communicate with others. We often face the task of communicating with others whether we like it or not, taking on the role of a leader or follower in the situation in which we find ourselves.
Good leaders are important factors driving organizational and social success. Methods of implementing the leadership necessary for a good leader vary according to the characteristics, goals, and culture of the organization or society. The fact is there have been leaders with different leadership qualities in politics, society, and culture in our history.
Some organizations require gentle leadership that carefully considers and coordinates the diverse opinions and positions of individual members, while charismatic leadership can be more effective in other organizations.
Good leaders are also created by good followers. The criterion for judging good followers is not limited to a single issue. In some cases, the role of the helper who unconditionally obeys the leader leads to the success of the organization, and there are situations where the role of the helper is to speak straightforwardly to the leader to what he believes is unreasonable. Therefore, requesting only the role and disposition that I want from the other person in the communication results in communication behavior in which dialogue between the two can no longer progress.
The media presents their chosen agenda to society and provides a forum for dialogue between people of various opinions. Through dialogue, we help people face problems in our society and think about ways to solve them.
The social influence of the media is truly enormous, the recent problem of child abuse, known through recent reports, has expanded the discussions on the necessity of reforming the relevant legal system beyond mobilizing the anger of many people.
However, the media often leans in one direction when dealing with agendas related to issues of political value or interest. Although there are various positions and understandings in interpreting the phenomenon, the act of focusing on the voices of those with the media's own viewpoints and positions is not the correct attitude of the media to take. The media's care not to discriminate against specific groups is also intended to allow the public to face the issue from the perspective of interested parties. 

The media should follow the various opinions of the public in leading public opinion in the right direction. Also, the public should not be negligent in exercising their leadership as a strong helper in making for a good press and information on public opinion.