Regional problems are present in most countries of the world; the Catholic Times' editorial brings to the readers' attention the Youngnam and Honam historical conflict. Daegu and Gwangju would be the metropolitan cities, respectively.
Back in the the time of the three kingdoms of Korea: Baekje and Silla made up what we now know as the southern part of the Korean peninsular. Baekje was overcome by Silla and in government and society they were ostracized, no longer the case, but the discrimination continues even to this day.
In society at large, efforts have been made to come together in academic, literary and artistic ways to overcome the deep seated prejudices in society.This has not been the reality in the past but it's an effort we see at present. Where is the Church in this effort? Is a question the editorial asks. Not easy, says the editorial, to find efforts of the Church.
Both groups of students, from the two dioceses of the country, remembered the movement for democracy on May 18th. Both joined a walking pilgrimage to the 5:18 Democratization Movement Archives, historic sites, and the democratic cemetery where they had a Mass celebrated together. Meetings of the two sections of the country should be a common event. Bruises from local feelings should not be allowed to continue beyond the older generation.
What was the teaching of Pope Francis' visit to Korea last year? Love, peace, consolation, forgiveness, reconciliation, hope, compromise, sharing.... In order to live these teachings we have to meet one another.
Local sentiments and feelings are natural but when they harm the common good it has reached an impermissible level-- we have to eliminate it. Politicians and the mass media should especially be sensitive to this malady, and the Church make known this disregard in public life. We are beginning a time for national reconciliation, a new era. The Church should be involved. We who want to see the justice of God spread, meeting each other, is the way we grow in affection. The editorial ends with a wish people of faith find the opportunity for the two areas of the country to meet often.