The Catholic Times editorial for this issue brings to the reader's attention the meaning of the Eucharist. When we see disunion and division, we are not living the Eucharistic Life. We do not give witness to what we believe. This kind of talk in Korea has little trouble being understood, but not easily digested in other parts of the Catholic World.
Understanding of Church is no longer so easily defined as in the past. We have those that want to see more from below and those who have little difficulty in listening to those who are in a position of authority. Those with a hierarchical understanding of Church (Korean Church) find the Eucharist and its call to unity easy to understand. There are many variables that have to enter the equation, but the outline is clear for the Korean Catholic.
The editorial does add that the Eucharist calls all of us to get involved with the works of justice, peace, and to be with the poor. The Eucharist ties us together in a oneness to work for a "new heaven and a new earth".
After the consecration at the Mass, we have the words: "In memory of his death and resurrection, we offer you, Father, this life-giving bread, this saving cup. We thank you for counting us worthy to stand in your presence and serve you. May all of us who share in the body and blood of Christ be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit."
What does it mean to be brought together in unity by the Holy Spirit? It is here that there are many and varied opinions. In Korea we are spared, at present, the problems that are envisioned in other parts of the Catholic World. Hopefully, we will have time to work through the differences that will come, and include them in the formation of our Catholics, so the Eucharist will continue to be the sign of unity and love visibly seen--between Jesus and his body the Church.