Old age— What meaning is there in getting old! Just thinking on the subject makes some people feel miserable, and gives pain. A pastor writes in a diocesan bulletin about his ideas on the subject.
When one entertains thoughts of this knd they are probably envying the young and in the process annoying themselves or everything new is something to be against and everything old needs to be unconditionally praised— turning the person into a narrow-minded, stubborn old fogey.
These old people always have thoughts and words of the past, always uncomfortable and jealous of the young.
He quotes Herman Hesse who was a follower of Carl Jung. "Old age does not only mean weakness, deterioration, termination. Old age just like any other period of life has its attractive values, its wisdom, and sadness. I don't believe it's a time without value." So what is the value of old age?
The first is to accept the fact that our body and mental faculties are weakened and to focus on our inner life.
Arriving at old age they have experienced a variety of desires, failures, and successes in their work. Joy and pain were mixed up in their lives. They have grown in wisdom. Only those with wisdom see life deeply and do not lose their peace of mind facing the uncertainty of life.
Secondly, the past and the present are connected. It is a time to mediate the past and present, and to make use of the various cultures and traditions.
It is a task that a person who has not experienced old age can never do. And the old person has lived in the past and present. Therefore they know both periods and are a link between them.
Thirdly old age is the last stage of life. The finishing stage.
Those who see death as destruction and extinction will be seen as pitiable in old age. But death is not extinction but the completeness of life; for a Christian the beginning of a new life. Consequently old age is the time of harvest.
We have the four seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. They all have their value and beauty and for the farmer, each has its special task. Spring is planting the seed, summer nurturing and cultivating the plant, fall is harvesting, and winter is a time to recuperate for the future. When the process does not end up with the harvest all effort and sweat lose meaning. Old age is the time of putting the finishing touches on our earthly life.
Old age experienced living the past and present and is now blessed with the wisdom to see the future. The Latin word for wisdom is 'Sapientia' which comes from the Latin verb 'sapere' to taste.
A person who is at peace with themselves is a person who leaves a good taste with the people he meets. Such a person is thankful for their lives and lives in harmony with others.
The 'taste' of peace, freedom, serenity, and joy flows from such a person.