The Catholic Times had an article about the 4 fingered pianist ( she plays with two fingers in each hand) Lee Hee Ah (Hyacintha) who is well know around the world having a number of YouTube appearances and many concert appearances overseas.
Her story is heart-wrenching right from her birth to now at the age 23. The mother knew before Hyacintha was even born that she was handicapped. Her family wanted her aborted and even after she was born some wanted her to be put up for adoption overseas. The hospital told the mother that she would not live long.
The mother was sure that this was a gift of God and never doubted this for a moment. She now has a daughter that stands tall where ever she goes.
Her last concert was on September 10th and 11th in Taiwan and she is booked in November to go to Indonesia and Hong Kong. One priest has said she is one who has changed her destiny. Her Catholicism is important to her and she enjoys being able to make God known where ever she goes.
The article mentions that the mother wanted to teach the child how to play the piano so she would be able to hold a pencil. She tried to get her into many piano academies with no luck but with extraordinary patience and effort on the part of Hyacintha she did succeed.
What I found interesting was the attitude of many still towards the handicapped. I am not surprised for it is a feeling not easily lost. Because of her disability she was told that people have a loathing to have her on same program and when she went to make a record she was told who wants to hear a two fingered pianist? Even though her name was widely known many were saying that her popularity would disappear and her chances to perform would cease. The predictions were wide of the mark.
She is now well know in her own country, Korea. " This is not the work of humans . It is the work of God and the intercession of our Blessed Mother. God wants me to live as a necessary person in this world 'the way we look is one thing to discriminate is not right' this I want to make known. "
From childhood she dreamed of being a nun. But today without the religious habit she is able to give joy and comfort to many. She has given many charity performances and recently one for the disabled in North Korea.