What he found out was that Catholicism as seen by most Koreans was more magnanimous, more lenient, compared to Protestantism, making the Catholic Church a more attractive option for many desiring to join a Church.
Korea is a land of many religions and no religion, and did not provide the writer with a reliable measuring standard for the data he had collected; he turned to the United States and the distinction often made there between "strict" --authoritarian, doctrinal purity, obedience, enthusiasm for the teachings--and "tolerant"--relativism, pluralism, readiness to dialogue over differences.
It was obvious to the writer that in contrast to the United States, the perceived tolerance and magnanimous spirit of the Catholic Church here greatly helped recruit members for the Church. Excluding Catholics, when Protestants, Buddhists and non-believers were asked about Catholicism; 49 percent responded favorably, 13 percent responded unfavorably. Asking Catholics, Buddhists and non-believers what they thought about Protestantism, he found nearly a 20 percent favorable response, a 37 percent unfavorable response. Based on this data from his research, the master's degree candidate concluded that in Korea, believers and potential believers prefer a tolerant and magnanimous Church over a strict Church. This, he believes, is the reason for the decrease in the numbers of Korean Protestants in contrast to the United States, where Church strictness tends to increase membership.
The news report ends by summing up the conclusion of the thesis: " Catholics in Korea in their faith life are lax and not unfriendly to the larger society; a tolerant Church is their trait while Protestants come across as emotionally tight, not friendly to the larger society, a strict Church. This is the reason for the increase in Catholic membership."
Taking the two factors he chose to work with--Church strictness and Church tolerance--most researchers would probably find evidence to support the conclusion of the thesis. But there are other factors that enter into the thinking of most Koreans which go unnoticed. The perception Koreans have of the Church no doubt helps the Church increase in numbers; the numbers of those who fall away may also indicate that what they thought Catholicism was like turned out to be different than expected.
The Catholicism that is perceived in Korea does not seem to ask as much from Christians; a fact that is readily seen compared to Protestants: no smoking, no drinking, tithing obligations, no traditional rites for ancestors and many more scheduled meetings, gives the impression of a very strict Church. Hopefully, the Catholic Church interest beyond the personal and to society will not be construed as being lax but will be seen as something integral to Christianity.