Just recently there was a report in both Catholic papers that the last letter of Saint Anthony Daveluy to the Christians before his death was found.
There were 10 French Bishops and priests who are listed in the Korean list of 103 saints and one of them is Saint Anthony Daveluy. Below is the letter that he wrote to the Christians . It is believed to be a copy and considered to have been censored by those guarding him: the reason for being disjointed and brief.
My beloved brothers and sisters!
I am leaving you now, I ask you to receive with a good heart these words of our Lord in admonition and carry them out earnestly.
Although Iam leaving you I will be thinking of you and miss you dearly, and continually pray for you, be concerned for your spiritual good. Even at a distance I will be with you like a grace in your midst, think of me and do what duty calls for.
After these misfortunes have passed it will be easy to forget, in the midst of these difficulties do not be frightened don't give up hope, do not trust in human help but only trust and plead to God. What you are suffering is for God, God knows it, wait and believe only in his benevolence.
From of old, misfortunes were the spread of Holy Church.
Also Jesus has left us with many words if we think of those words how can it be that we are overcome with worry?
Also in the words to St. Peter, if we for the name of Jesus are abused he told us we will be blessed.
Raise up your hearts, accept all with a sweet a disposition, do not separate from each other, with wise words in action with the virtue of love for God and all persons, even those who are punishing us, let us pray to God for their forgiveness. Do not carry a grudge against the King and his attendants rather accept and serve them. If we do this we will be Jesus' true disciples.
I hope that you will accept these admonitions as given, I will give you all my blessing.
Assistant Bishop
These words in the world that we are living in, seem strange and for some even vulgar. Something has happened to the way we look at evil. I am not sure that the way we see evil is the best way to overcome it.