A priest writing in the With Bible
magazine reflects on a recent return trip to the Lerins Islands, off
the French coast close to Cannes. Returning after 20 years, he still
marvels at the beauty.
the island of Saint Honorat, there is a magnificent monastery inhabited
by 22 monks, who continue the monastic life that began in the early
400s. He recalls the beauty of the surrounding fields, and the dedicated
life of work and prayer of the monks, as they tend the fields and
He goes back to our Christan understanding of creation, which places humanity at the summit of creation and as its goal. Deep ecology, which sees, he says, all of creation as equal worth,would have difficulty with this Christian understanding of creation. The Jewish interpreters of the Genesis account make it clear that God made humanity in a different way--in the image of God, and the priest wants to help us understand what is meant by using the interpretations of the Jewish teachers.
us make man in the our image, after our likeness" (Gen. 1:26). We have
the use of the 'us' which for the Jew of that time, he explains, did not
refer to the editorial 'we' of our times. Who was God referring to when
using the word 'us'? the priest asks. We can't use the Trinity to
explain it, of course. So how can it be explained?
He goes back to our Christan understanding of creation, which places humanity at the summit of creation and as its goal. Deep ecology, which sees, he says, all of creation as equal worth,would have difficulty with this Christian understanding of creation. The Jewish interpreters of the Genesis account make it clear that God made humanity in a different way--in the image of God, and the priest wants to help us understand what is meant by using the interpretations of the Jewish teachers.
There are many different interpretations, he says, and he presents two of them. One possibility: God had in mind the heavenly court of four of his angels: Truth, Justice, Love, and Peace. Peace and Justice, so it is explained, were against God creating humanity, for they feared that destruction and lies would enter creation. Truth and Love were for the creation of humanity. God decided to create and use humanity to spread these four values throughout creation.
Another interpretation was that God discussed the creation with humanity. Humanity was a partner with God, and God wanted to embody all of creation with these four values of Peace, Justice, Love and Truth. God made humanity after his image, the Jewish teachers taught, so he could work in partnership with his creation.