Thursday, July 29, 2010

Leadership That May Surprise

 A few days ago a woman came for a visit, and before she left presented me with a problem: "What do you do when you find it difficult to work with another?" It was affecting her health and the health of the other members of the group.

The head of the parish co-op was a very capable woman but had difficulty accepting others less capable, in a working partnership. The members elected her for the job because of her talents, but they paid  a high price for that talent. My visitor was asking what was she to do?

A recent article by a priest in the Catholic newspaper tells us about a pastor that considered himself without talent. His sermons did not move hearts, he had no leadership qualities but for some strange reason, he thought, all went along fine. The parish had a lot of vitality, many participated in the many activities. The pastor was of the opinion that the Christians made up for his inability.

The writer tells us the priest listened to the Christians and was always present to them in their works, which gave them confidence and  encouragement to give of their time and efforts for the community and  society. Absence of ability that the priest thought he lacked was cause for the  vitality of the parish. He was a laid-back leader and with no conscious effort the force behind the life of the parish.

Talents are not always the kind that you write about or others take note of,  but when examined closely  talents or gifts come in all sizes and shapes. Most of these gifts are not recognized by the individual, but they are in many cases the reasons for the harmony and the success of many  works.

Members of the society at the next election should elect a virtuous member  without  obvious  talents, and all work together to help her function as leader. If the membership is united in trying to make the co-op grow, they may be surprised at the great change that takes place in the new leader and in the group working together in partnership, and united in their goal. There are many types of leadership and staying in the back and helping others to take their place in the front lines is not a type of leadership that may  get kudos from others, but in Church groups especially , it develops leaders, and  elicits cooperation that may surprise.