Citing the French philosopher Pierre Sansot (1928-2005) and his book The Meaning of Slow Living, she lists lists some of his proposals to start living a slower life: Go for a leisurely stroll, listen to people very intently, do everything with your whole heart, become attentive to your dreams, wait for opportunities and do your best to make the most of them, spend some time writing, and occasionally enjoy a glass of wine--all to be done without a sense of business.
she says, are known to be always busy. This is not a good trait,
according to Sansot. To be pressed by time is to lose your freedom; we
are to live in harmony with time and this is done by living slowly.
Pascal said "Men have only one problem: They don't know how to rest in a
quiet room." A society that expects only efficiency and productivity
is not conducive to this slow life that is being recommended.
She mentions the hero of the fantasy movie About Time, who
is told by his father that they have the capability of going back into
time if they think long enough about it. Although relishing this way of life for awhile, he realizes that instead of going back into the past to fix
problems it is better to live completely and fully in the present, and
also to make the most of each moment we have been given, for it is then
that we find in surprising and new ways the hidden happiness,
fruitfulness and mystery of our personal relationships.
Thomas a Kempis in his Imitation of Christ writes "Now is the time to be up and doing, now is the day of battle, now is the time to change my life." And the professor adds, if we don't succeed today we have tomorrow to complete the work. Today we work, we walk, we dream, we wait. And when tomorrow comes, we have another chance to give ourselves to another new day by again giving ourselves carefully and completely to the work before us.
Every 24 hours we need to be awake to this new birth we have received and to begin it with a new awareness to live it well. Tomorrow's day and the next day, when they come, are always today's day, always new and always ready to give us great joy. With the birth of each new day, slowly, in orderly fashion, we also are born again.
Thomas a Kempis in his Imitation of Christ writes "Now is the time to be up and doing, now is the day of battle, now is the time to change my life." And the professor adds, if we don't succeed today we have tomorrow to complete the work. Today we work, we walk, we dream, we wait. And when tomorrow comes, we have another chance to give ourselves to another new day by again giving ourselves carefully and completely to the work before us.
Every 24 hours we need to be awake to this new birth we have received and to begin it with a new awareness to live it well. Tomorrow's day and the next day, when they come, are always today's day, always new and always ready to give us great joy. With the birth of each new day, slowly, in orderly fashion, we also are born again.
Below is a paragraph from the book The Meaning of Slow Living:
More than anything else what elates me the most is the birth of a new day. At the birth of a new day I am filled with vitality. For 24 hours I am conscious that in every moment I can express who I am. To my eyes the birth of a new day comes to me with more emotion than the birth of a new infant.Tomorrow, another day will be born. Tomorrow again, I will be looking forward to the future.