Today, politics are often as muddy as the Korean fine dust problem. Confucius said that politics is doing what is right. Let's think about the true nature of politics and the way God would see it. A priest sociology professor begins his article in Eyes of the Believer in the Catholic Weekly with the above words.
Politics refers to the way in which power and control are used by humans. However, 'power' is not only a matter for the National Assembly and the 'Labor Struggle' but also in conflicts between the married, dialogue with children, in churches and communities.
The concept of power that modern social science discusses can be broadly divided into three categories. Max Weber's point of view: "the power to carry out one's will despite the opposition of others." This perspective, which focuses on 'powerful individuals and groups,' is a good analysis of real politics, but there is also a danger of justifying every kind of dominance, dictatorship, and corrupt hierarchical system.
Secondly, it refers to the power realized in a collective network, a view widely shared in the modern network era. This strengthens the capacity of collective intelligence to freely communicate and empathize within each other's interconnected networks. These networks are being actively developed in joint projects between companies. The network of open communication does not work in bureaucratic or closed hierarchical organizations, and there is a risk of pursuing only the interests of the group.
Third, from the perspective of Jesus in the Bible, the source of power is God, where power is not meant to rule but to serve. 'Good power' guards against the power of the Herods of the world and promotes relationships that enable the 'poor and powerless' to regain the dignity God gave them.
However, power is not only connected with election and votes but is revealed in everyday decision-making processes. In the process of deciding something in the community, home, workplace, church, etc., you know by reading the tone of voice, expressions, the drift of the conversation and silences where the discussion is going and who is in charge.
On your child's birthday you decide on what you are going to eat by listening to what the child wants, is it not? The father doesn't take the child to his favorite 'beef intestine' meal for the child's birthday. It's easy to see what is meant my good power. When a child goes to college, why does the desire of the parents take preference over what the child wants? When one thinks himself always right, just and pushes, without reflection, the temptation to dominate grows like a wild mushroom.
Surrender, is an important step in the spiritual life, not just flowery language, abstractly explaining the place of God. One tries to recognize in our present situation the way the Holy Spirit is at work within our consciousness—who am I, my ambition, desires, and direction of life have to be identified. Also, as long as it relates to power and decision, what is to be done is always a very practical and political decision needing discernment.
Persons who have authority over others, need to have concern for the poor and weak, listen to their needs and work to realize them. When not sensitive to the movements of the Holy Spirit and one does not walk in the path of Christ with the cross, even if one goes to higher positions you are caught in a "trap of power," and in God's eyes are at the bottom.
In Lent, the leaders of the church, in particular, must seek the grace of conversion and understand the role of service and not of reigning. Politicians in addition not to forget their role as civil servants in a democratic society. If you are tied only to the tactics and interests of the party, corruption will follow. Lies, factions, division, and deception of the people will follow you into history. Politicians and government officials need to fear history and God among his people and seek 'good power' based on the common good.