My mother told me they have homes for unwed mothers, and if I went there I'd find peace. No matter how good the place was my ears weren't listening, I knew I'd find it hard to relate with the people I met there, so I hated to go. But the state of things was such that I couldn't but do what my parents wanted.
The day I arrived at the home, driving in the car, all kinds of thoughts came to mind, and I started to cry as we entered the road to the home. I never imagined I would ever be in such a place.... Looking at my parents from behind as they were leaving, they seemed so sad; I gave them another burden to carry. I was determined to become stronger; to accept the baby in my womb.
This home for unwed mothers was run by the Catholic Church. I never prayed or thought of prayer. From the time, I entered the home I began to pray. The teachers are always praying that those unwed mothers do not abort their babies. One wonders, whether those teachers were praying for me. Pictures of abortions are on display at the home, the babies are to be pitied. It is our mistake that made the baby, and I blamed the baby; I am embarrassed.
Before I came to the home, I was a juvenile delinquent. I ran away from home, missed school, drank, smoked...got angry and had no self-control; I only thought of myself. Coming to the home, I still get angry but with the praying I am more temperate and disciplined. I am not only thinking of myself but others, it is like a miracle.
In 2nd year middle school, I began to lose my way. My mother died in my 1st year middle school. Every time I entered the house, I couldn't believe my mother was dead. I blamed myself for her death. I couldn't get rid of the anger. I decided that I would be a vagabond until I'd gain peace of mind. My father introduced me to the woman who would be my mother. At the beginning, I did not warm up to her, but after a time we began to laugh together, she showed concern and helped me, and I started to follow her and loved her.
Since coming to the home, I have learned a great deal. First of all, the value of life, I have learned the means to love myself and others. But most of all by prayer I have learned to have peace in my heart and thank God for sending me my new mother. In the future I will continue to thank God. "Thank you God, I love you."
This is the story of a young unwed mother. Her story was printed in a news letter sent out by the home. There are many of these homes in Korea and are doing a great deal of good, helping the girls to find their way and give them hope for the future.