One of the columnists in this weeks Catholic Paper explains what she believes a classy life would be. After getting their children married most couples can sit back and enjoy a freer life. They are no longer troubled by the children, they can take care of the daily living expenses, and are not overly bothered by their surroundings.
Most of her friends are in this situation but they are lonely, They have their old husband and old wife to gaze at , it is tasteless and a life with no feeling. What is there to do now? Isn't there something that will put some zest into our lives they say laughing quietly.
Life is not basically one of thrills. It is humdrum and unsatisfactory Isn't too much to ask it to be interesting? However there are interesting times in our lives that we all have been given. We have just not been conscious of them . There's the sky, rays of the sun, flowers and birds they are there. Old age is the time to appreciate these many gifts.
She introduces us to a couple who she admires very much for their life style. They are retired and have drawn up a plan on how to live. One of the most important parts of this plan is not to spend much money and to enjoy life. They get up early and go mountain climbing to see the changes in nature. They return to their home taking turns in preparing something to eat and even if not tasty they are able to laugh and enjoy. In the afternoon they go to some exhibition that does not require money, go to the campus of some college to walk the sidewalks with the students, and at times take a train or a bus to some city that they have not seen.
What she finds most surprising pleasing is that each one reads a book once a week from a list they have made and write a book review of what they have read and exchange... what is more appealing still, rather than telephoning their children they spend time writing letters.
That is not all they spend time reading old poetry and exchanging their thought on what was read. This was awkward in the beginning but has turned into a very profitable activity.
The writer would like to see them someday holding hands and find their way to the Church. She has given them a Bible, a hymn book and a book on the rosary but there has been no response. We are all going to be faced with a time of emptiness and fear we want something to hold on to especially as we come to the end of our lives. She admires their style of living but feels that there is one thing missing that would give it a more flavor and that would be Faith. She concludes by saying that she believes that day will come.