Koreans have a basic feel that pornography is bad. Their traditional views on sex, their respect for motherhood, and all that it means, however, are not strong enough to keep them from pornography. The most populated country with the largest tie up with the Internet , Korean cybersex is readily available and rampant.
It is no longer necessary to be embarrassed or make much effort to see pornography; all that is necessary is to sit before your Internet screen. Those who frequent this world of cybersex are not only men but women, young and old; breaking away from porn, once habituated, is more difficult than giving up drugs.
The press has not waged war against this enemy of the family nor has the Catholic Church of Korea made it an important part of its interests, but it is a big part of the culture of death. A recent article in the Peace Weekly sees this as an area the Church has to enter, for this disease not only infects us, our families, our children's lives, but also destroys the life of the Church.
In one diocese in the States, mentioned in the paper, 10% of those who faithfully attend Mass are addicted to pornography. This disease will cause us to always look for another level of intensity to satisfy our sexual desire. Pornography is a reason for the number of sexual crimes, the breaking up of families, the problems with elementary school children, and the cheapening, and destroying the beauty of married love: sex, seen only as a tool to satisfy one's sexual desire, disregards the essential component of sexuality.
The Peace Weekly tells us that when we have the urge to see pornography let us remember that the woman involved is some one's daughter and possibly one of our sisters. Let us remember the love that we must have for all those involved in this world of pornography. This motivation, in itself, should be reason enough to say no to this horrible scourge in our societies.