Easter 2017 was the third anniversary of the sinking of the Sewol Ferry
and the connection brought many thoughts to mind. The raising of the ship has alleviated some pain associated
with the tragedy. Efforts continue in finding the meaning to society from the sinking.
in the Catholic Weeklies and magazine articles return to the sinking and
the meaning it has for Korean society. Sections of society, however,
find the continuing talk about the tragedy repulsive and want it to
stop: enough is enough. Contemplating the same event we have differences
of opinion and yet it is necessary to determine for Catholics how much is based on who we are as Christians.
editorial mentions the words of Pope Francis that the Church needs to
speak out when we have injustices in society.We are moving from one way
of living to another; labor pains accompany us as Christians and we need
to decide what our responses will be.
rumors are associated with the sinking and many questions remain which the
families of the victims and many in society want answered. Lack of
transparency and suspicion that a coverup has been at work has angered
many in society.
The families of the victims and those who
have not yet recovered the bodies of their loved ones are only
searching for the truth and do not want revenge. Those who want to see
vengeance are asked to turn it over to God.
Ferry sank in the muddy waters filled with greed and corruption. The
weak are still the food for the strong and the strong have their way
in society. No need to ask who are at fault for we are all in some
way involved in the disaster. Material goods and their acquisition at any price is
this not the reason for the catastrophe? This is not the way society should go.
Have we changed the direction of our lives after the tragedy?
member of the bereaved families asked: "Why has God given us this
agony in losing our loved ones?" Silence is not always an answer to agony. We are caught in the trap of our own greed and are distant from God, and fail to understand how we are all involved.
That is why those who have died should continue to remain in our thinking. Remembrance is Resurrection.
Resurrection is a new experience a new meeting with the one who died and rose again from the dead and who remains with us.
During this Easter Season we pray for the victims of the tragedy the families
and those who are still looking for the bodies of their loved ones and we
pray that the anger and questions that followed from the tragedy will
in the near future be laid to rest.