Friday, February 8, 2013

Sunday School Teachers

Christian doctrine teachers have been given an important mission by the local parishes to form mature Christians. In addition to teaching doctrine (and perhaps more importantly) teachers  of doctrine are expected to be guides to the young in living the spiritual life, eradicating what endangers their spiritual growth as the teachers themselves accompany the young on their journey of the spirit.

A Salesian priest has traveled throughout the country giving retreats and conducting programs for these  teachers,  and now reports on what he has heard wanting to convey what he feels is necessary on their behalf. However, what should also be of interest, he says, is to help the teachers deepen their own faith life, and impress on them the importance of what they are doing, preparing them with possibilities for studies and seminars that will help them be better teachers.

Dealing with  teachers, we sometimes get overly involved, he says, with teaching methods and teaching tools, and yet what is important is to be concerned with the teachers themselves. It is easy to forget the crisis of faith that many may be having when faced with difficult student relationships. Instead of being a support to the students, the teachers may end up losing their faith, which leads us to reflect more deeply on the mission of the Church and the teaching mission of the teachers.

They began their teaching vocation in service to the Church, the priest reminds us. We should now do whatever is necessary to prepare them for this difficult journey of life, which is often filled, along with the gratifying moments, with painful experiences. Pastors especially should be concerned for the spiritual growth of these teachers, who are being intrusted with teaching our children to take their rightful place within the Catholic community. These teachers are a much valued and respected resource for the Church. The time and money spent in their proper formation will assure the health of the present and future Church.


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