The recent Catholic news and editorials have taken into account the
results of the Autumn General Assembly of the Catholic Bishops. Clearly
and unambiguously the bishops have opted for change, and shown a
strong will for renewal that will begin with the bishops. They will leave behind luxury, stress a
pastoral approach, 'go in search' and work to communicate and collaborate to make a Church for the poor.
of the changes, different from the past, was an approach to
problems that came from below, and not from above. The
bishops worked with the results of what the church members wanted to
see changed, and the bishops agreed to be the first to change. They will
approach problems with their actions more than words, in the
manner of Pope Francis. One of the editorials are waiting to see how the bishops will be an example to the
A survey by the bishops was distributed by
e-mail, and on the bishops' homepage. +During Pope Francis' visit the most memorable scene.
+Words that moved you the most in his talks. +The word that comes to
mind when you think of Pope Francis. +After the visit of the pope the greatest need for change. +What the members
have to change.
The scene that moved many viewers was
the pope's easy interactions with those he met, and the way
he related with parents of the Sewol tragedy.The words
'sympathy' and 'communication' stayed with many. In the
pope's talks his reference to 'remember and have hope' were meaningful. 'A
poor church', and 'before suffering there is no neutrality' were
mentioned. The 'comfortable' life of the religious hurts the Church was
mentioned by many.
The prominent issue,receiving the most interest was becoming a poor church where the poor would feel at home. The community of the faithful wanted to see
changes in the bishops' manner of dialoguing and communication. They pointed out a lack of vision and leadership, authoritarianism
and self righteousness, and wanted a commitment to the Social Gospel.
Clericalism and self
righteousness of the priest was mentioned by both groups as the biggest
issue with the clergy. Also mentioned was a lack of spirituality and a prayer life, a wealthy and
comfortable life style, hobbies that are luxurious, and working only with
the wealthy.
Religious have a need for prayer and spirituality. Narrow mindedness and a one way approach to problems were listed.
Laypeople were seen to lack a prayer life and spirituality. Lack of
participation in the Social Gospel of the Church, factionalism and
problems with getting along with neighbors were listed.
The whole
Church needs to be more conscious of the poor and become a Church of the poor. One of the editorials wrote we have become a middle class Church where the poor do not feel welcomed and all the members need to work in changing the image with the bishops out in front with renewal.
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