Monday, December 28, 2015

Humility is nothing but truth... St. Vincent de Paul

An article in a pastoral review for priests, starts with a  report of a  labor and management dispute that happened over 20 years ago in a church establishment. Police were called to break up a demonstration of the employees and some of them were detained. It became  a legal problem;  priest representative was called before the court of law.

"Did you call the police to break up the demonstration?" asked the lawyer. "No"  answered the priest. The lawyer showed the signed statement by the priest that was in the possession of the police asking them to break up the demonstration, and called the priest a liar. This incident  was written up in the press and caused surprise in the eyes of many. The priest  continued in his position for a few years but the writer mentions that he left the priesthood.

Recently a  parish council  and pastor were in conflict. Trust  had been lost and the priest tried to squirm out of the mess with excuses and evasion, which made the matters worse.

Lies are endemic in  society, politics, finance,  and in religious society. We look at our own actions and we are no different from others. This makes for a lack of trust, difficulty in  dealing  honestly with others, finding love in society, and a reason relationships fall apart.

He gives us an example of a priest who did not manage his work correctly and  heard many complaints. Parishioners were downhearted and  began finding fault. A few days later after Mass he apologized for his blunder sincerely, and said he would work to put things in order. Complaints disappeared and many were moved by the apology. People are moved by honest and frankness. Just one lie is enough to merit disdain.

In a1980 survey by a public opinion organization stated that Catholic priests were the most trusted in society.

Often people feel honesty makes life difficult, and  almost unconsciously resort to lies. Consequently one has to make an effort to speak the truth on all occasions. It is not easy to be thoroughly honest. We see lying prohibited in the ten  commandments, and find the admonition often in the New Testament.  "A lie is a foul blot in a man,  yet  it is constantly on the lips of the unruly" (Sirach 20:23).

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