Thursday, December 30, 2021

What Is Christianity?

In one of the recent diocesan bulletins a Catholic  University professor of theology gives the readers a brief definition of the word Christianity. Hearing how other cultures look upon issues are always a way of expanding our vision and understanding.

There are many branches of Christianity, Catholicism is one of many. Koreans call Catholicism: 천주교회(literally translated the Lord of Heaven Church). Often we hear 성당 (Holy Place) or 구교 (Old Teaching). Catholic is defined as : universal, common, open to all. 

The word '천주교' has come down to us from the 16th century. The word for Christianity in Korean is 기독교 (基督敎), there is a wide spread perception that 기독 is Protestantism and Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity are separate religions. This is obviously wrong. We all fit under the word 기독교.

What is Christianity? 

1) From the time of the infant church the best definition: Staying away from idols and through Jesus serve God. "Idols" is an attitude that considers what is not God as God. The extreme belief in one's own capabilities, attachment to money and material things, at times science and technology take the place of God. Staying away from idols was the first step. This is not unconditionally looking down or denying their value but to consider them 'all powerful' is the problem.

2) Through Jesus- the most important content. Jesus is the center of Christianity. Our faith as the name implies is a faith through Christ, in Christ and with Christ making us complete. Christ is the beginning, center and end.

 3) It is serving God- Christianity is knowing God through Jesus. We follow the one God. "Listen Israel: Yahweh our God is the one Yahweh. You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength"(Deut. 6:4). This is valid for all of us as it was for Israel.

Christianity gives answers to the first questions of humanity: life and death, meaning and purpose of life: through Christ, in Christ and with Christ searching for the answers and receiving the eternal life of faith which begins now.

In the first Chapter of John's Gospel we are told that Jesus is the word, (Logos) who is to give us life. Truly this word Logos that humans share with one another is dialogue.  God and humans share fellowship and dialogue and we humans share fellowship among ourselves.Through the word Logos of Christianity we are drawn to an intimate relationship with God. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life by which we are brought to God. This belief is Christianity.


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