Who is the happy person? In the Kyeong Hyang magazine an emeritus biotechnology department university professor gives the readers his opinion on happiness.
He recalls a trip to a resort where 4 streams flowed out from a fountain each had a name: material goods, long life, wisdom, love. What was the name of the four when combined? Would that be what happiness is?
Is money the reason for happiness in life? Scriptures say the poor are blessed. Is that the reality? The person who gave the name to the 4 streams of the fountain did not think so. Once a person experiences an empty stomach those words are not used.
At this point of the studies made on the subject it seems that money is a condition for happiness up to a certain degree. However, beyond a certain point that is not the case. What is observed is that with the same income the environment is what determines the happiness attained.
A study team in its research selected two poor countries the Solomon Islands and Bangladesh and compared their happiness quotient with the Scandinavian countries whose happiness quotient is one of the highest in the world. The two poor countries' happiness level was the same. These two poor countries have 1/15 tenth of the income of Korea. We are told my the professor not to miss the point—where one lives is important in determining happiness. Country people are happier than those living in the city.
In the country with less money they are able to meet their daily needs. They are less sensitive to the need for money. The Bangladesh country side reminds the writer of our own Korean country side. During the summer warm weather they would go to the river to bathe and in the evening sit around a small fire to keep the mosquitoes away and eat roasted potatoes. They borrowed each other's containers and felt at peace with the little they had; they had what was necessary to live.They knew each other and felt comfortable with each other. It was a happy village.
If money is not the prerequisite for a happy life what is it? The professor makes it clear that both in Bangladesh and in the long-living areas of the world you notice the strong ties among the people, close relationships, communities.
He recalls making a telephone call to an older man. He was so happy to receive the call as if he was waiting for the call all day long. He had moved with his wife to the country and shortly after his wife died. He was a very outgoing person and after the loss of his wife he become very lonely. Although he had all the conveniences that life could give him he was sorry for having left Seoul where all his friends were. He died shortly after.
When one is lonely life is short. In an American research institute on aging, loneliness was considered like smoking 15 cigarettes a day and shortens the life span by about 15 years.
Loneliness in the young brings about depression which is also the biggest reason for suicide. The main reason for death between the ages of 10 to the 30s is suicide. According to OECD, Korea is number one for suicides.
Before the appearance of agriculture humans lived in the forests where predatory animals were all around, humans had little physical defenses so needed the help of others which made for grouping of people.This was the way we advanced. When my food gave out we were helped by the food of others. Community was an essential component of evolution. This was the way our brains developed helping one another, helping us to enjoy our lives. Do you want to be happy build community. Fit in with others.
In the encyclical On Fraternity and Social Friendship (Tutti Fratelli) the Pope mentions the need to build community in our society To bring happiness into our lives.
"No one can face life in isolation. We need a community that supports and helps us in which we help one another to keep looking ahead. How important it is to dream together." #8
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