Sunday, August 18, 2024

Strength In Weakness

In the Catholic Peace Weekly, a seminary professor gives us some thoughts on weakness and the spiritual life in his weekly column.

We know from our own life experiences how difficult it is to live holy as children of God. The same experience is reflected in the following words of the Psalmist:

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping your word.” (Psalm 119:9)

The only thing we, weak as we are, can rely on is the word of God. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. What is clear is that faith, which is a relationship with God and the overall plan of life, penetrates human weakness. Our weakness cannot be denied and should not be. If that is the case, isn’t it God’s will that we continue to move toward perfection while embracing weakness, rather than a perfect faith without weakness?

However, in reality, not only faith but also our entire life is marked by weakness. This is especially true in human relationships. How many wounds and pains have we experienced due to betrayal? How weak is the love we have experienced? And yet how beautiful and strong is that love? Pope Francis said in Amoris Laetitia 113:

"We all need to realize that we are intricately intertwined with light and shadow. (⋯) I do not claim that love must be perfect to know the true value of the other person’s love. The other person loves me to the best of his or her ability. However, just because love is not perfect does not mean that it is false or untrue. Even if it has limitations and is worldly, it is true. (⋯) Love is living together with imperfection, forgiving, and living together."

The limitations,’ ‘imperfections,’ and ‘imperfections’ contained in the Pope’s words are something that everyone experiences. This applies not only to couples but also to religious and priests. Each person experiences their own limitations, imperfections, and weaknesses as they live their faith. However, they can live because of the prayers and encouragement of the believers who walk the path with God, who sanctifies us, who are imperfect. If we do not forget that our faith and love are not false but true, even if they are weak, we can continue to move forward. We all move forward little by little, embracing our weaknesses.

God recognizes such human weakness and accomplishes His salvation through that very weakness. God never gives up on us. He always announces a new beginning and suggests that we walk a new path.

When we look at our weaknesses with a positive perspective, our lives will be completely new. How disappointed we have been in ourselves so far. And how much energy have we expended to hide our weakness? God tells us that we don’t have to do that. He tells us that our very existence, our weak and limited existence, is good and beautiful, and precious in God’s eyes.

We are weak. We are easily hurt. However, it is okay for us to be weak. This is because God exists, who embraces our existence with love, heals us, and walks with us. That love is a love that creates anew, a love that makes everything possible, a love that risks being hurt. It is a love that creates the world and saves humanity. Since everything is done in the Lord's providence, and since God is always starting anew with His children, we just need to entrust ourselves to Him take courage, and step forward. God will fill in the rest.

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